Third year students from various colleges gathered today, February 6, at the University Auditorium for the semestral Career Development Seminar Series through the initiative of the Office of Student Affairs – Career Development and Employment Services Unit (OSA-CDESU).

In line with the focus of the activity, Hon. Maximo B. Ancheta Jr., Presiding Judge of Baler, Aurora Regional Trial Court Branch 90, and the event’s guest speaker, mainly discussed the salient features of RA 11313 or the Safe Spaces Act also known as Anti-Bastos Law.

The discussion articulated protective measures from gender-based sexual harrassment in streets, public places, workplaces, educational and training institutions.

Meanwhile, first and second year students are set to participate in the Day 2 of the said seminar tomorrow, February 7.

Report by Lexter Dan Ciriaco

Photos by James Joson, Mike Yanga, and Eunice Faithb Aguilar